BackScreen Techs
Screen Techs are responsible for advancing the images on the screens during both Sunday services.
Acolytes assist the priest during the worship service, take part in the Gospel procession, and distribute offering plates. Adult acolytes serve at the 8:00 service, and the 10:00 service. To serve as an acolyte one must be baptized and at least 10 years of age.
Administrative Support
Office volunteers increase the efficiency of the church staff by providing additional telephone coverage, making copies, performing other clerical duties, and working on special projects throughout the year. Volunteers also restock the pews and prepare the front hallway and Sanctuary for Sunday morning services.
Adult Sunday Morning Formation
The Walk through the Bible Class meets every Sunday at 9:00.
Altar Guild
Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary and altar for all worship services. They maintain the vestments and altar wares.
The band plays worship music for the 10:00 service. Members rehearse every Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.
Children's Ministry
Volunteers work in teams to provide various biblical activities for children.
The choir sings the worship music for the 10:00 service and special services. Rehearsals are every Wednesday at 6:45p.m.
Coffee / Tea Guild
Ministry members prepare coffee / tea supplies,and set up refreshments before and clean up after the Sunday worship services.
Communications Team
Communications Team coordinates the spreading of the Good News and the flow of information to parishioners and visitors.
Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King (DOK) is an international religious order for Episcopal women, who strive to fulfill their baptismal covenant through prayer, service and evangelism, and help strengthen the spiritual life of the parish. The Daughters meet the third Sunday of each month at 12:00 noon.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) encourages women of St. Cuthbert in their life in Christ, promotes spiritual growth through fellowship in the Christian faith, and fosters active participation in the mission of the church. All women are automatically members.
Fellowship Guild
The Fellowship Guild develops and encourages a community atmosphere. They host various social functions and receptions throughout the year.
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild provides fresh floral arrangements every Sunday. The assigned members procure the flowers, assemble the arrangements, and place them at the Altar. The entire Guild works together to decorate the church during Christmas and Easter and other special occasions.
Greeters Ministry
Before each service, Greeters stand at the entrance doors, welcoming everyone with a smile and a warm, heartfelt greeting. They also assist guests in finding the Welcome Desk.
Holy Mowers
Volunteers regularly work together to mow, trim and edge the grounds of St. Cuthbert Church.
International Festival
Volunteers serve on the planning team for the International Festival, held annually the first Saturday in November. The Planning team is responsible for logistics, programming, represented country booths, publicity, activities, and more.
Lords of the Streets
Lord of the Streets (LOTS) is an outreach organization of the Diocese of Texas that provides for the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of the homeless. Volunteers participate in cooking and serving breakfast and providing sack lunches to those in need. Our congregation serves one Sunday every quarter, meeting at the church at 5:15 a.m. to carpool downtown.
Men's Group
Men’s Group encourages the men of St. Cuthbert in their walk with Christ and promotes their spiritual growth through fellowship and study to enable their active participation in the mission of the church. They meet every Saturday morning at 8:00.
Ministry of Motherhood (MOMs)
The Ministry of Motherhood (MOMs) invites anyone who is about to be a mother, a mother of preschoolers, a mother of high school students, or anywhere in between, to be a part of the St. Cuthbert MOMs. The MOMs meet every Monday morning at 9:10 for Bible study and fellowship. Child care is provided at no charge.
Online Host
The online host are greeters for worshippers who attend the 10:00 service at St. Cuthbert on Facebook Live each Sunday
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is a group of volunteer lay chaplains guided by Benedictine spirituality and prayer. This ministry serves those who are in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and the homebound by providing a listening, supportive presence. Members must complete a twelve-week training program.
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Members prayerfully make lap blankets which are taken to patients at local hospitals as well as to the sick in the congregation.
Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain sends prayer requests through email to members of its group. Members of the chain confidentially intercede in prayer as requested.
Prayer Garden
Volunteers adopt a section of the prayer garden and weed, trim, and fertilize that section as needed.
Safeguarding God's Children
All those serving in ministries involving children and youth are required to complete the Safeguarding God’s Children training. Safeguarding God’s Children is a program for the prevention of sexual abuse of children and youth. The program provides participants information they need to protect the children they know and care for in their personal lives and in the ministries in which they serve.
Sound Tech
Sound Techs run the sound and technical equipment for each service. Members may also be asked to serve during special events.
St. C Fix It Crew
Volunteers work to fix & repair the church property as needed
St. C Seniors
The St. C Seniors provide a combination of service and fellowship activities for the senior citizens of the church. The Seniors meet every Thursday at 1:00 for Bible Study and have a monthly luncheon every third Thursday.
Stream Tech
The Stream Team manages streaming the 10:00 service on Facebook Live
Sunday Morning Formation Teacher
Children’s leaders serve in teams of two for a session. They lead the craft and reinforce that day’s lesson. Youth teachers facilitate discussion on a variety of topics. Teachers of adults serve for a session, and facilitate a class on either a topic, a video series, or a book of the Bible.
Ushers greet and welcome the congregation to the worship space, assist with seating, distribute worship bulletins, take attendance, receive the offering, and assist with communion. Ushers tidy the pews after each service.
Vacation Bible School Volunteer
Held annually in the summer, VBS volunteers help with the many aspects of Vacation Bible School through leading and assisting children through various learning stations, presenting Bible stories, directing and helping with crafts, preparing snacks, and decorations.
Welcome Bread Ministry
The Welcome Bread Ministry members take turns baking a fresh loaf of bread that is given to our first-time guests after each Sunday’s worship service.
Welcome Guides
Welcome Guides welcome the guest, provide them with a folder of information, answer any questions that may arise, encourage them to fill out a visitor card, and escort them to their destination.
Youth Group Support
Supporters assist the Youth Minister with Youth Group meetings on Wednesday and Sundays. They hang out with the kids, help with Bible study, games, and other fun activities.