Be Involved




Acolytes assist the priest during the worship service, take part in the Gospel procession, and distribute offering plates. Adult acolytes serve at the 8:00 service, and the 10:00 service. To serve as an acolyte one must be baptized and at least 10 years of age.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary and altar for all worship services. They maintain the vestments and altar wares.

Greeters Ministry

Before each service, Greeters stand at the entrance doors, welcoming everyone with a smile and a warm, heartfelt greeting. They also assist guests in finding the Welcome Desk.

Junior Daughters of the King

Junior Daughters of the King (JDOK) is an international reliĀ­gious order for young girls, ages seven through 21, who strive to fulfill their baptismal covenant through prayer, service and evangelism, and help strengthen the spiritual life of the parish. The Junior Daughters meet the third Sunday of each month.

Lords of the Streets

Lord of the Streets (LOTS) is an outreach organization of the Diocese of Texas that provides for the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of the homeless. Volunteers participate in cooking and serving breakfast and providing sack lunches to those in need. Our congregation serves one Sunday every quarter, meeting at the church at 5:15 a.m. to carpool downtown.

Prayer Garden

Volunteers adopt a section of the prayer garden and weed, trim, and fertilize that section as needed.

St. C Kids

St. C Kids: Nursery children (2-5) and grade school children (5-11) are invited to attend a special Bible lesson and craft time during the main worship service. School age children return to their parents just before the Eucharist and nursery age children return to the nursery until the conclusion of the service. During the procession, children in these age groups will be invited to follow the small cross which will lead them to the classroom next to the nursery.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an annual event held every summer and is designed to connect kids to God through Bible study, crafts, music and games.

Ways to Serve

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