What to Expect at St. Cuthbert
Why St. Cuthbert?
We are a multicultural community that is family-friendly, loving and accepting, open and inviting, who believe in the transforming power and accepting love of Jesus Christ. We welcome you to our church.
Perhaps you haven’t ever attended a church where you felt comfortable, have drifted away from the church, or are simply curious. If you are reading this, it may be because you are searching for something to fill the void in your heart. God doesn’t want us to be alone. He wants us to have a loving, supportive relationship with each other as Christians. His love shines through the people who love him. When we are gathered together he is there. We would love to have you worship with us.
What About My Children?
Jesus loves children and so do we. On Sunday mornings we offer Bible Adventures, which includes many opportunities for fun, fellowship, and faith formation as we nurture the spiritual growth of our youngest members.
Nursery care for children is available from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. The children are lovingly cared for by members of our paid staff.
Bible Adventures worship activity handouts, appropriate for early elementary-aged children, are available during both services. This material coordinates with the Bible readings for that week.
All volunteers and staff that work with children and youth are required to complete the Diocese of Texas Safeguarding God’s Children training.
Children are always welcome to remain with their parents during the service. Parents are also always welcome to remain/participate with their kids during Bible Adventures .
May I take Communion?
Yes, baptized Christians of any denomination or Christian tradition are welcome to receive communion, also called "Eucharist" in the Episcopal church. Even if you are not a member of St. Cuthbert, you are welcome to receive communion. Those not baptized are invited to the altar to receive a blessing. You may indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest.
An usher will indicate when your row may proceed to the altar during communion. You may kneel or stand to receive communion. You receive communion by putting your right hand, palm up, in your left hand, the priest or deacon will then place a wafer in your hand, saying, "The body of Christ, the bread of heaven." Raise your hands to your mouth and eat the wafer or save it to intinct - or dip - in the wine. If you desire a gluten-free water, let the priest or deacon know.
We use real wine mixed with water and a shared cup, called a chalice. When the chalice bearer comes to you, help guide the cup to your lips. As the chalice bearer gives you the wine, they will say, "The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation." If you do not want to drink out of the cup, you may dip (intinct) your wafer in the wine and then eat it. If you prefer not to receive the wine, fold your arms over your chest as the chalice bearer approaches you.
It is courteous to remain at the altar rail until you have finished consuming the bread and wine, and the person next to you finishes. At that time you may return to your seat via the side aisles.
FAQs continued
What is the church service like?
Our Sunday service times are 8:00 and 10:00. Both services utilize contemporary language from The Book of Common Prayer or BCP. The service words and music text are projected on large screens. The 8:00 service features piano music, a soloist, and traditional hymns while the 10:00 has a worship team and features a blend of both contemporary music and traditional hymns.
The heart of the Episcopal service is The Book of Common Prayer. Approximately 70% of The Book of Common Prayer comes directly from the Bible, giving us worship steeped in Scripture. In the Episcopal Church, our worship is said to be liturgical, meaning that the structure of our worship and the prayers that we pray remain consistent from week to week. This consistency gives worship a rhythm that becomes comforting and familiar. Our worship style is very interactive and participatory.
A typical service mixes Bible readings, prayers, music, and a sermon. The priest leads the service while the congregation participates extensively— through singing, praying, recitation, and responding. When to kneel, sit, or stand can be a bit of a puzzle to a newcomer, but it should not be intimidating. Since the essential form of the service remains the same it will soon become familiar. If you'd like help, the people near you are happy to assist...just ask. We desire that you savor the richness, beauty, and rhythm of worship and not worry too much about the details. The important thing is that you are here.
What should I wear?
There is no dress code. Wear what makes you feel comfortable. You will see people wearing everything from blue jeans to a suit to their native dress on any given Sunday.