Youth Group
The St. Cuthbert Youth Group is...
a place for junior high and high school youth to develop and grow in their relationship with Christ and see His love in action. It is a place to build friendships that are encouraging, supportive, and lasting. Youth Group is a community that builds the Kingdom of God through Bible study, prayer, service, worship, and fun.
Who is it for...
all students, sixth through twelfth grade, are invited to join us:
* Wednesdays for a family meal together and a Bible game.
* Sundays from 11:30-1:30 for lunch, a Bible lesson, and games.
If you feed them...
they will come! Where there is youth, there is energy and plenty of hunger to match! If you feel led to support our Youth Group, we would greatly appreciate your help in covering the cost of food and snacks for our gatherings. Your generosity ensures our youth can stay nourished and engaged as they learn, grow, and connect.